Saturday, September 5, 2009


Success can be defined by many things but for me success this week has been defined by making it to the weekend in one piece! I would like to make a quick comment on my last post and say you really should be friends with old people they are nice and very knowledgeable. I have many friends that are 60 or older that I adore.

Okay onto what has happened in the last few days. Lenna has started to make a new noise. It is much more pleasant to the ears over her really high pitched squeal. For your listening pleasure here is a video.

Here is a video of her really talking to me. She makes me laugh!

Lenna is starting to be able to sit up on her very own. It is only for a few seconds; max is maybe like 30 seconds, but she can do it!But after a little while she does lose her balanceThen she face plants it. She doesn't seem to mind that she faces plants it because she doesn't cry about it.But I think she likes sitting up more then having her face in the cushions of the couch.We tried sweet potatoes yesterday. (Thanks everyone for the suggestions!) She wasn't very sure but she ate them and she hasn't been overly fussy so I think I will count them as more successful than the green beans. I also called my doctor about the spitting up to see about maybe some antacid medicine. I would like to quote the nurse "You have as we call it a happy spitter." Yep she seriously told me that. But since Lenna isn't upset at all by her massive amounts of spitting, and because she is gaining weight (oh another quote from the nurse "We know she is gaining weight 5lbs in 2 months is a good amount") the nurse basically said I have to just kind of live with it until it stops. The paper she mailed me says it should stop or seriously slow down by 7 months and had other tricks that I have tried with no success to help slow the spit up. Which sadly for me means really gross colored spit up as she eats food that has color (eewww). Oh well I guess life could be worse right?Other exciting things is it is football season! YAY!!!! I love fall purely for the football season! College football is both Jared and my favorite sport to watch on TV. Though I don't really like saying goodbye to summer and I don't really want the rainy season to begin I am excited to watch football! I also want to thank Megan again for the awesome Udub onesies she gave Lenna. She is ready to root for the dawgs. No one gave us BYU gear so until that happens Lenna will just be dressed every Saturday to root for the huskies...that doesn't bother me ;)I finally completed one of my projects. Which is a good thing since I plan to use it for our Disneyland trip which is rapidly approaching. I have worked on building airplanes and know that things get pretty beat up on airplane travels. So I decided since I really want to use Lenna's car seat as long as possible and possibly for another Lundell kid in the future of unknown time I would make the car seat a bag/cover so when we gate check it we don't have to take her bundle me off or worry about it getting too dinged up! So here is a picture of the final product. I would like to thank my mom for cutting out and sending me the CARSEAT letters. With that we are going to watch football today and just have a relaxing labor day weekend! I hope you all have a great 3 day weekend too.


Evan and Holly said...

I'm so glad that sweet potatoes worked better. Kyle was also a "happy spitter" and his reflux never bothered him either. It also didn't slow his weight growth. However, we did put him on antacid to keep the acid from affecting his esophagus or hurting him as the acidity increased over time. But it is true, the antacid does not keep it down. I have many orange stains on the floor to prove it. I always tried to do regular colors during the day (like cereal and pears) and then at night I'd do the greens and oranges so hopefully it would stay off the carpet. But it still was on the pajamas and in the crib :) I think we finally got over the spit up around 10 months. It sometimes gets better when they start to really sit up, so maybe your day is coming. I hope so. But until then soaking anything in oxyclean for a few hours will get it out. :)

Anonymous said...

Lenna's grunts are so funny! I love it when they are trying to communicate! I also love the car seat cover for the planes!

Lindsey H. said...

Love that cover - so creative! Thanks again for picking us up tonight and hope you have a blast at Wicked!