Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy December

Wow! I can't believe it is already December. December 1st always sneaks up on me! So what do we do on the first day of December? Well I am glad you asked. We get our Grinch jammies on the night before so we can be all festive for December while we sleep. And we drive to the post office the the night before so we can drop off our Christmas cards so they can get out to our family friends.
After sleeping in and waking up at 7:45am (thanks Lenna) we drove dad into work because there are no more buses running that late in the morning to get dad to work. After getting dad off to work we met up with friends to go on a walk in the park. Did I mention today is beautiful. Sunny no rain and warm (well warm for a December day)! Once Lenna melted down we headed home so she could take a nap.

While Lenna napped I ran. I am so grateful for the purchase of our elliptical. We debated between this and getting a gym membership. I am glad we picked to use some of our wedding money on the elliptical. I feel much better after running and I can now happily say I am down to my lowest pregnancy weight (I lost about 10lbs during my 1st trimester). This weight also happens to be my wedding weight too and it was my goal weight to get to after Lenna was born! Yay for reaching goals and thank you elliptical for keeping me healthy!
Due to the beautiful day and Lenna being still asleep I ran out side to mow the lawn. My mother in law asked me if we mowed the lawn at all during the winter. This made me laugh inside because we mow our lawn more often in the winter than we do the summer. I guess it is probably because we don't water our lawn so it really only grows in the winter. Yay for Seattle always being green and not white very often. Oh another cool thing about today is that I still have fuchsia blooming! In the midst of getting all this fun stuff done my mom reminded me last week that you couldn't see my holiday decorations in any of my pictures. So if you want a gander at my tree and such you can see the below pictures. Speaking of my mom it is her birthday today! Happy Birthday Grandma Princess!
The snowman on the right is our newest addition that we got at the Lakeside rummage sale in October. Yay for cheap decorations!
Other random thoughts from me: We have two different mailmen that deliver our mail, one of them happens to look kind of like a Santa Claus. Anyway he always seems upset when he has to deliver a package to our door. He drives up our driveway in the mail truck (which if you have seen or been to our house is like only space for 2 cars aka not long!!!) Gruffly walks to the door throws the package down and waddles back to the mail truck backs up and pulls forward to our mailbox. I think it is so funny that you can get so upset for doing your job. My next random thought is I am very grateful for self adhesive stamps. I hate licking envelopes and stamps so I am glad the post office sells self adhesive stamps!

I am off to work on a tree skirt! Happy December everyone!!!


Lindsey H. said...

What a fun colorful tree! Tim says your bulbs are as big as beach balls! Are they glass?

Laura and crew said...

Do my eyes deceive me or is Lenna STANDING in the picture with the Grinch jammies? Oh...and congrats on reaching your goal weight! Hooray! You should definitely celebrate!

Anonymous said...

You house looks beautiful! I love Christmas time!

Anonymous said...

By the way, Congrats on reaching your goal weight!!!!!

The Thackers said...

Your tree looks really GREAT! I love the big ornaments. Was Lenna standing in that picture?!? That's defintely a new trick. Oh, and Congrats on reaching your goal weight! That's really awesome...way to go, Mallory!

Michelle M said...

Those are some awesome grinch pajamas! Where did you get them? Lauren might need a pair.
