Wednesday, December 30, 2009

9 and 1/2 Months and Sleeping

If you read my last post I commented that one of my goals for the end of 2009 was to finish painting the last door I was going to paint in this house. Well that door happens to be our office door which is also the room Lucy the tortoise is living in for this week. I finished my goal and the door looks great! It also feels good to have another thing checked off my to do list. However, I had to keep the lights on in the office one night past 9pm which is when Lucy's lights on her cage go off and also must mean bedtime for her. This little gal must have been tired because she crawled only enough in to shadow her head. She is either an efficient little tortoise or lazy. But I thought it was cute that she wanted it to be dark for her to sleep.
Lenna on the note of sleeping has been fighting most of her naps. She eventually gives in, and yesterday she gave in by basically passing out while sitting up (or so I assume). This is how I found her, and she was snoring.

I was a kind mom and moved her so she was in a more comfortable position.

Today Lenna went to the doctor for her 9 month check up. Really she is now 9.5 months old, but that is when I could get her into the doctors with vacations and Christmas and such. Like always when she reaches another month mark I brought out her recliner chair and snapped a few shots of her. They made me smile I love her personality and I can't imagine life with out this little girl!

She did well at the doctor's office. She only complained at the end where she was tired, and when the nurse gave her shots. On a good note though one of the shots was the H1N1, so now I don't have to worry so much about the flu =) I am also really glad that Lenna hasn't gotten sick and she is 9.5 months old! The doctor did warn me though that sickness increases after now so I guess we shall see how long it takes till Lenna actually gets sick. Anyway the doctor also gave me lots of reading material about keeping Lenna safe from normal first aid, to poison problems. The issue I had with all this reading material was that it started to make me feel more paranoid then calm. I stopped reading half way through and will make Jared read it. I don't want to be a paranoid mom and sometimes the less you know the better off you are. Ignorance is bliss right?

Okay onto what you all really want to know, her stats! Well at least this is one of my favorite parts about reading other peoples blogs on these types of subjects. I don't know if it is because I like to have a tangible figure for me to picture or if it is just fun to see the percentiles of the kids, but here are Lenna's stats for this check up

Weight 21 lbs 1 ounce (90%)
Height 29 1/2 inches (97%)

In other news we went to Target today and it was great! We got some good clearance stuff and some groceries. I really like that Target now has a whole grocery store section. I even think I was pleasantly surprised that my total wasn't all that high for all the stuff I got. Yay for shopping!!!

I pulled out my 2010 calendar. It is official it is going to be here in a blink! To start the year off right at the beginning of January I am crazy and I am going to run a 5 mile race with my friend. Should be a good way to start the year off sore (I mean right). Hope you all have great time celebrating or ringing in the new year however you choose.


Kyle.Sara.Jade said...

I HEART her Tutu! I have to know where you got it? did you make it? Fill me in!!

Lindsey H. said...

You're not crazy, you're awesome! Seriously, that race couldn't come too soon for me. I just got on the scale and I gained 5 pounds in the last 10 days. Yikes!

The Thackers said...

Love the pictures of Lenna!! :-) She is so super cute. See you in a few days!