Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy February

I love February! It brings lots of good things and it also happens to be the shortest month of the year. I love this month because by now most people have forgotten about their new years resolutions, which is sad because I always hope people will keep their goals; however, it made running around Greenlake SO MUCH EASIER! Thank you people who didn't keep up with those exercise goals! It was great I didn't feel like I was dodging everyone left and right and it was a more relaxing run. It was also funny to see all the old ladies walking their dogs and they would wave to Lenna. She must have been smiling or waving at them. She is so silly. Also I love February because Valentine's Day is celebrated this month. Granite I don't really care for the whole lovey dovey part of the holiday but honestly how could I not love a holiday that the colors are pink and red. I love pink so thus I must love Valentine's day. I am hoping next year I can start the tradition of having a Valentine's day tea. My bff #1 and her mom always had one growing up and I thought it was the coolest thing ever to get all dressed up and go have a tea party. So I hope to start that tradition with some of my friends and their daughters next year. Particularly when I have a bit more space for people to come over.

Speaking of daughters. My adorable Lenna has learned to tear paper in the last few days. Luckily for me my Grandma Tygesen subscribes me to a bunch of magazines so Lenna has ample amounts of paper to go through. It makes my house look like chaos but she is having fun with it.
Yesterday at church I put Lenna in one of the very few things I have ever bought her. If you tell me you like an outfit or a bow Lenna has on it probably came from Grandma Princess. I don't complain about this fact because Lenna looks pretty awesome and then I don't have to figure out what to buy her. But in the beginning of this month when I was going to Costco more than a sane person would go I kept looking at the little girl dresses really wanting this polka-dot one for Lenna. Well I just gave in and bought it on one of my trips. I guess this is an advantage of having a big baby she fits into bigger clothes sooner. (Oh and for the record I haven't been to Costco for the last 2 weeks be proud!) So her she is all dressed up!

Some of the old ladies at church told me they bought this same dress for their granddaughters. They liked that it had sleeves and was modest and cute. I couldn't agree more with them!

In other thoughts I just realized it is under 6 weeks before Lenna turns one! We are excited that we will be able to have some family up to celebrate her big day =) Actually come to think about it we get to see all her Grandparents in March and that will be super awesome.

At church Jared said that the lady who is over the primary or the Nursery I am not sure which one said that they expect having 45 kids come into Nursery this year. (Nusery for those who don't know is once your child has turned 18months you can take them there during Sunday School. It is a place for the kids to play and learn simple things during church. I guess it could kind of be considered babysitting at church too in a way) Anyway 45 kids is A LOT! So they are splitting it up. I guess Lenna will have lots of fun people to play with this coming September when she turns 18months.

Today we are headed back up to Richmond Beach to look at more houses and to Brier. I am not sure which location I like more. I was telling Jared yesterday that Singles Wards at church really screwed with my head. I got so use to having a change of a whole congregation about every year but now in our family ward we don't get that kind of change. Sure you get new family here and there and some families move out but for the most part a big chunk of the people are always the same. So do we keep in the same ward or do we try and new ward and city. Part of me doesn't want to move to Snohomish county. I mean really I am a city girl and if Jared would let me I would totally move back to Seattle in a heart beat. But we can't because of the school districts. Alas choices and choices.


The Davidsons said...

It's so good to know that your Grandma T magazines get used for the same purpose that mine do! I love her new little dress. She looks so cute!

The Thackers said...

Okay, so I don't want you to leave Shoreline AT ALL! It just wouldn't be the same here without you. I'll be praying you find something in Richmond Beach. :-)I guess I shouldn't say anything knowing that in a year and a half when Evan is finished with school we'll probably be moving out of state.

Anonymous said...

I love Lenna's dress!