Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bday Parties, and Sunny Days

This week we were able to go to this beautiful girl's birthday party! She turned 1 years old.Lenna was way excited to see her friend again. But since Leah had just woken up from a nap she wasn't really ready to talk to anybody. Actually Lenna made her cry.
But Lenna was still very excited to be at the party! It was a PJ themed party, and super fun!
The kiddos loved playing with all of Leah's new toys.
We had to get a picture with all the kids that were there. I am impressed that my camera got them all looking up. Sadly the flash or something didn't work out so well and so the picture is a little dark.
Okay I played around with gimp and learned how to fill in the flash. I am really loving photo editing! See the difference?Lenna crashed as soon as we got home. I really have no clue how this position could be comfortable but this is her new favorite way to sleep.
Lenna seems to be growing up and looking like a little girl to me. I took this picture because I remember when her head didn't go above the high chair, she also didn't have as much hair. I remember 6 months ago when I thought she had a lot of hair, wow was I wrong. Anyway I think she may have even grown since her doctor appointment in height. She can reach things now that I didn't know she can reach like things on the kitchen counters, and shelves in the bathroom. I am learning to child proof at a whole new level!
We had a beautiful day yesterday. Sadly today is not as beautiful. But to get out of the house since we had nothing planned we headed to Richmond Beach. I had brought her shovel and bucket so we could play in the sand, but I got too cold since I didn't bring a jacket for myself, and we retreated a little bit up from the water to the playground. Every time I go to parks on the water I remind myself that I never ever want to leave Seattle. Even if housing is ridiculously expensive. I mean look you have a swing set where you can see the water and the Olympic mountains all at once. How awesome!Lenna also reached a new level of coolness yesterday. She spent most of the time playing with the wood chips instead of eating them! Hoooray!!!
She also thinks she is too cool to hold my hand and walk anymore. She keeps letting go and then walks where ever she wants to go. It is teaching me extreme amounts of patience to let her walk on her own and at her own pace. It takes us like 20 minutes to walk maybe 30 feet. But I want her to learn how to walk so I must be patient.With the sun and warm weather we had the last few days it makes me excited for Summer!!!


Williams said...

Happy Birthday Lenna! I cannot believe she is one already. It goes by so fast. She is so sweet with a beautiful smile.

Diana said...

WHOA. That is a lot of babies.