Thursday, April 15, 2010

26 years,13 Months, and 1 eye infection

I turned 26 this week. It was an interesting birthday, but good. I am reminded that I have so much family and friends who love me and make the effort to make my day extra special. I got to talk to both of my brothers which is an extra treat since I don't talk to them both very often.

To make the day exciting, since I literally had no plans what so ever, we headed to the zoo. We saw elephants.

Crazy looking birds.
Rare animals having fun, oh wait that is just Lenna.She loves blocks.
However, during the zoo adventure Lenna's eyes got really gunky to the point that after her afternoon nap she couldn't open them. So miss Lenna got her very first prescription ever on my birthday. She gets to have eye drops every 4ish hours during the day for the next few days. Have you ever tried to put eye drops in a 1 year old? Let me tell you it is not easy. The label says "Gently open your eye and place 1 drop in the affected eye. Do not blink, but let the solution sit in your eye for 1-2 minutes." Well I just feel happy if we can get some into her eye. She screams, she wiggles, and she shuts her eyes tight. Let's say it is a challenge. But only after 2 rounds of her eye drops her eyes started looking better.

But my birthday wasn't bad. I was visited by the birthday fairy who decorated my door, left balloons, and an awesome flamingo pen. I love the birthday fairy(ies)! I think everyone should have fairies who randomly visit them throughout the year ;) I also go lots of other things too. Yet I did not spend the day in super luxury. I weeded, I mowed the law, and did laundry. It is crazy how having kids just changes what you do on a day to day basis and on special days too. I did get to have Thai food, and cake, and I loved getting the phone calls, emails, and fb messages all day long. Made me totally feel special! I think 26 will be a good year.
This little one turned 13 months yesterday. Here she is in all her glory. Since we were home bound on her 13 month mark I didn't even do her hair. I let her go wild!
She has been getting lots of sleep!And lots of entertainment from mom and dad so she can stay happy! Jared thought it was funny I would put Lenna's pants on my head and act like it is a hat. Lenna loves to take off and put on hats so she thought it was the funniest thing ever. I am just glad she is already feeling better.In other news. I started my garden yesterday. Well I started it outside yesterday. As soon as we got home from the great Lundell vacation of 2010 I started seeds inside. Since the 10 day forecast says it won't get below freezing and I wanted some counter space back the beans and peas got kicked outside. My garden is always small since I don't have a large area for a garden and gardening takes A LOT of effort. So I always try and keep it simple. Next week we get tomatoes from our scout's plant sale to add to the mix of things, and I will put seeds directly into the ground at the beginning of May to add to the garden.
The other happy news this week is I finally have been able to use my elliptical again. I told Jared that all I really wanted for my birthday was to run on my elliptical. Sadly due to Lenna's eyes that didn't happen, but every other day this week I have been able to run, and after a month of being on vacation and being sick it has felt great!

Lastly I would like to brag about my shopping deal of this week. I would first like to make the statement that I never find my own deals, I use the blogs that post deals for me to find them. There is my couponing 101 suggestion; find someone who is good at posting deals then follow their advice. Anyway we went to Target this week and I spent $10.12 after coupons and got 5 items. 3 cleaning items call scrubbing bubbles, and then I bought a package of wipes for 66 cents, and a small photo book (which sadly wasn't on sale, but I was too lazy to go to the dollar store to pick one up). So after my 10.12 purchase I got a 5 dollar gift card for Target, and my cleaning supplies allowed me to mail in a rebate for 5 bucks! So I spent 10.12 but got 10 dollars back, well 9.66 if you deduct the stamp. The photo book is my favorite buy though. I had asked my friend Diana how she organized her coupons and I copied her idea (see copying again, I am really good at doing that with deals!) So now I feel like I can find my coupons so much faster and it is more compacted in my diaper bag! Yay! Happy almost weekend everyone!


Laura and crew said...

I'm glad you had a bit of excitement on your birthday. Next year I will give you one free coupon to have me mow your lawn and fold your laundry so you can really kick your feet up and have the day off! Happy year of being 26! P.S. Cute garden sprouts!

The Thackers said...

Happy Birthday, Mallory!! I'm glad you had a good day. I'm very impressed with your bargain shopping skills. I need to do more of that. Nice work. :-) Also, I totally agree with you about visiting parks with views of the sound and it reminding me that I never really want to leave Seattle (even though I will probably have to in a year or so). Love it here.